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Choosing a type of  lip service can be over whelming, since everyone is unique lip shape, colour, skin thickness... here are some things to consider when booking for the right service: 


Lip Blush

Lip blush is a technique that adds colour onto lips to create a natural lip tint. Lip blush can enhance the lips and re-define the shape appearing to look fuller. Add more sessions to create a lipstick look



Dark Lip Neutralization 

Dark lip neutralization also called lip lightening is a technique to neutralize or lighten dark lips. If you have dark lips this is the procedure for you. To add colour onto it is a 2-3 step process as you have to neutralize/lighten prior to lip blushing (adding desired colour) 



PROCEDURE TIME: 2-2.5 hours 

TATTOO LASTS: 2-3 years, annual touch up recommended 

HEALING RESULTS: 5-7 days, fully healed 4 weeks 

Cosmetic Tattoo Touch up rates: 

First touch up: $75

(booked within 3 months after procedure)

6 months after initial procedure: $100

1 Year after initial procedure : $150

2 years after initial procedure: Full Price

*Please note: Initial appointments do not include a touchup. Touch up prices are for existing clients only*

Lip Blush Healing Process

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